Silver Tips are entirely handmade. This tea is produced by carefully picking only the long tender buds of selected tea bushes. The fresh buds are covered with a down of fine hair which imparts the characteristic silver hue. The harvest of buds is tenderly sun dried to produce the world-famous Silver Tips.
These leaves are highly priced and are in great demand by tea connoisseurs for their exquisite appearance and delicately refreshing liquors which are full of healthy polyphenols.
Each and every morning, my favourite cup of tea would be English Breakfast. It’s strong, it’s coloury, it’s got a wonderful nutty flavour that I really do enjoy, and it takes the milk well.
William Manning, Senior Tea TasterIn the UK Head Office we taste over 500 cups of tea every day, to search for the best quality teas available from around the world.
Dominic Marriot, Tea TasterLater on in the afternoon I might try something like a Darjeeling that has the muscatel flavour, or maybe even a high-grown Ceylon, but definitely my favourite brew, and the one that I drink the most of, is English Breakfast.
William Manning , Senior Tea Taster